
June 27, 2020 / Comments (0)

July 2020, A Plan

Saturday June 27th: Drive to CO

Sunday June 28th: acclimate, supplies, drive to Harvard

Monday June 29th: Harvard and Columbia Traverse

15 miles, class 2, gain of 6,100

Tuesday June 30th Mount Belford then Oxford?

8 Miles, class 2, gain of 4,500

Wednesday July 1st: Rest, Beers with an old friend from high school

Thursday July 2nd Mt Evans. Two hours away, drive out early Thursday morning or maybe do wed morning?

5.5 Miles, class 2, gain of 2,000

Friday July 3rd: Quandary Peak

6.75 Miles, class 1, gain of 3,450

Saturday July 4th: Drive home

Last modified: July 21, 2020

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